Latest update: 13.01.2025
This Policy informs you about how we collect, use, transfer and protect your personal data.
We process it in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (“General Data Protection Regulation”, hereinafter ,,GDPR”) and relevant national legislation on the protection of personal data.
Authorized packager for compressor manufacturers
EGS brings world-class compression to the European, Middle East, Africa, Asia and CIS markets at competitive pricing levels. For our products we provide GOST-R certification and RTN certificates for the CIS markets; and CE marked certificates with compliance to ATEX, PED, and Machinery for the European Union markets.
Packaged gas compressors and packaging services
EGS can design your package from bottom up or work to your designs. In addition to full compressor packages, EGS offers full aftermarket support including: spare parts, start-up and commissioning support and customer training programs for the use and maintenance of the equipment we sell.
We also offer re-packaging services for existing compressors and equipment that need to be modified to fit current field conditions.
Our contact details are:
Administrative address: Parc Industrial / Industrial Park 1C, 547551 Chirileu, Sanpaul, Mures County, Romania
E-mail address: ,
Telephone: +400365882416
Euro Gas Systems SRL, in its capacity as Operator, processes the personal data of the candidates applying for available positions, employees, representatives of contractual partners and collaborators, as well as the data of other natural persons who interact with Euro Gas Systems SRL and/or are involved in contractual relations with it.
Personal data are:
For the purpose of filling in and sending the Contact Form (“Contact” section) on the Euro Gas Systems SRL website , we process the following types of personal data: name, e-mail and any other data left at the initiative of the data subject in the “Your Message” section.
Tick the box with the message “By using this form you agree with storage and handling of your data by this website, as detailed in our privacy policy.” and click the “Send” button.
For the purpose of completing and sending the Application Form (“About us – Careers” section) on the Euro Gas Systems SRL website , we process the following types of personal data: name, e-mail, address, phone, desired job, whether the person is currently employed or not, Curriculum Vitae and any other data left at the initiative of the data subject in the “Your Message” section.
Tick the box with the message “By using this form you agree with storage and handling of your data by this website, as detailed in our privacy policy.” and click the “Send” button.
For the purpose of filling in and sending the Whistleblower Form (“About us – Whistleblower” section) on the Euro Gas Systems SRL website , we process the following types of personal data: the quality of the data subject in the relationship with Euro Gas Systems; name, position of the person(s) concerned by this report/warning; the date or period when the facts that are being reported occurred or are likely to occur; a brief description in chronological order of the facts, matters which are the subject of this report/assessment, as well as the legal provisions or internal rules alleged to have been/to be infringed; documents considered relevant to the case referred/reported; full name; phone ; e-mail.
Tick the box with the message “Prin transmiterea mesajului, vă exprimați acordul pentru prelucrarea datelor de către Euro Gas Systems SRL, în scopul preluării și soluționării avertizărilor de integritate, în conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 190 din 2018 privind măsurile de punere în aplicare a Regulamentului UE 2016/679 a Parlamentului European și al Consiliului privind Protecția Persoanelor Fizice în ceea ce privește Prelucrarea Datelor cu Caracter Personal și Libera Circluație ale acestora.” and click the “Submit” button.
For the purpose of completing and sending the Packaged Gas Compressors Form (“Get a quote – Packaged Gas Compressors” section) on the Euro Gas Systems SRL website , we process the following types of personal data: name of the contact person, e-mail, phone, project name, end user and any other data left at the initiative of the data subject in the “Other information” section.
Tick the box with the message “By using this form you agree with storage and handling of your data by this website, as detailed in our privacy policy.” and click the “Send” button.
For the purpose of completing and sending the General Inquiry Form (“Get a quote – General Inquiry Form” section) on the Euro Gas Systems SRL website , we process the following types of personal data: name, e-mail, phone, company, customer specifications and any other data left at the initiative of the data subject in the “Message” section.
Tick the box with the message “By using this form you agree with storage and handling of your data by this website, as detailed in our privacy policy.” and click the “Send” button.
Euro Gas Systems SRL representatives can also be contacted directly – by Phone : +40365882416, by Fax : +40365882421, by E-mail : and at their physical location : Industrial Park 1C, Chirileu, Sanpaul, Mures County, Romania, Postal code: 547551. These details are indicated on the home page as well as in the “Contact” section of the Euro Gas Systems SRL website .
For website visitors we may collect data through cookies or other similar technologies, such as IP address, internet browser, location, web pages accessed on our website, time spent on the website, internet network, device used. For more details in this regard, please see our cookie_policy_eurogas.docx.
We do not use your personal data to send you marketing communications, such as newsletters, unless you expressly consent to such communications by ticking an opt-in box.
Your personal data is processed in order to:
Personal data is stored for processing for the period necessary to achieve the processing purposes mentioned in this Policy or for the period required by law (e.g. for archiving, accounting, etc.).
We will not disclose or transfer to any third party any personal data collected from or about you except:
If personal data processed by Euro Gas Systems SRL are transferred by it directly or through its contractual partners/collaborators outside the European Economic Area, we assure you that these transfers are carried out in compliance with the GDPR (in particular Article 46 of the GDPR), with the applicable legal provisions, on the basis of adequate safeguards (standard data protection clauses adopted by the Commission) and provided that there are enforceable rights and effective remedies for data subjects.
Euro Gas Systems SRL implements appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a high level of security and protection of personal data.
We use security methods and technologies, together with internal working policies and procedures, including control and auditing, to protect the personal data collected in accordance with the relevant legal provisions in force in the field of personal data protection.
Any data subject can exercise the following rights, as provided by the General Data Protection Regulation:
Individuals may exercise their rights by means of a written request, sent either to the registered office of Euro Gas Systems SRL (Parc Industrial / Industrial Park 1C, 547551 Chirileu, Sanpaul, Mures County, Romania), or electronically to the e-mail address of the Data Protection Officer: or by phone: 0745.508.673, contact person Ionel Orza. Data Protection Officer (DPO) services are outsourced and provided by GDPRComplet.
You can download a copy of our Privacy Policy here