Send us your information by completing the online application form. Please apply only for that job opportunity that matches your field of interest and personal experience. It’s in your benefit to provide detailed information by completing the whole application form and mention the motive which makes you suitable for the desired position.
The H.R. department will examine this application, and if they consider that you are a possible match for the available position they will arrange a phone or a face to face interview. After the interview process in which all the selected candidates are interviewed, the most competent applicant will receive an offer of employment.
Look at the interview as an opportunity to get to know our people and business. Before going to the interview take some time to explore the website and familiarize yourself with our history, core values & culture, products and job description. We will ask questions about your academic results, work experience and achievements, trying to figure out how you can bring value to our business. Think about some questions you would like to ask us, and be prepared to show examples of your past successes and achievements.
Yes, this will add the application to our database. If a suitable position which matches your interest and experience is opened you’ll be contacted by our H.R. representative to find out if you’re still willing to join us.
Euro Gas Systems is a fast-growing, multinational company, certificated as a packager of natural gas compressors for the upstream oil and gas marketplace. The success of the company is given by our passionate employees about what they are doing, which is why we are permanently creating new and lasting jobs. Our work environment is positive, flexible, with continually improvement and ongoing employee development, reason why you can consider that EGS is the ideal work setting to take your career to the next level. Be part of EGS team, we are exactly what suits you better!
Unavailable Job
Ideal Candidate
Degree Qualified within an Mechanical Engineering discipline
Fluency in English / ideally technical English in Oil & Gas
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, organizational skills, and the ability to work closely in a team environment
Professional attitude
Previous experience in a similar role is an advantage;
Ideally from an Engineering/Manufacturing background;
Knowledge of reciprocating compression and screw compression is a plus.
Self -driven, results orientated, and with a positive outlook and a clear focus on high quality standards
Autodesk Inventor /Autocad
Job Description
Evaluates customer requirements and communicates with customers for clarification requests;
Performs the preliminary equipment selections using dedicated software’s;
Works with design department for detail engineering of the equipment;
Works with purchasing department for identifying the cost of the components;
Communicates with suppliers for unstandardized option requirements;
Creates cost data bases for optimizing quoting time process;
Prepares the technical offer;
Ensures technical support to customers;
Ensure internal after sale technical support (design, purchasing, project management, etc.)
Required skills & qualifications
• University bachelor’s degree in Automation / Mechatronics
• Proficiency in English (verbal and writing);
• Minimum 2-3 years in a similar position.
• Knowledge of automation, electronics, electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic, mechanical;
• Interpretation and correction skills of electrical diagrams and P&ID.
• Knowledge of hardware and software PLC systems.
• Availability for travel and field work.
• Knowledge of measuring and control equipment used in the oil and gas industry.
• PLC programming, experience with Allen Bradley.
• Experience with gas compression units.
• Configuration and choice of measuring and control equipment.
• Quality reception of automation equipment.
• Assistance in installing equipment in the production process.
• Provides support to the production department in order to correctly assemble the control and measuring instruments
• Actively participates in testing completed compression units, in order to detect possible electrical problems
• Drafting requests, approving schemes, and checking automation / force panels.
• Assisting with equipment testing in the factory.
• Assisting in commissioning at the customer.
Euro Gas Systems este in cautarea unui Lacatus Mecanic talentat pentru a se alatura echipei noastre din departamentul de productie. Daca esti pasionat de domeniul tehnic si detii abilitati excelente de lucru manual, aceasta pozitie ar putea fi potrivita pentru tine.
Responsabilitati principale:
• Asamblarea, montarea si repararea diverselor componente mecanice conform specificatiilor tehnice;
• Utilizarea echipamentelor si uneltelor specifice pentru prelucrarea metalelor;
• Interpretarea schemelor tehnice si a desenelor tehnice pentru executarea corecta a lucrarilor;
• Asigurarea mentenantei preventive si corective a echipamentelor si utilajelor folosite in productie.
• Experienta anterioara in domeniul lacatuseriei mecanice;
• Cunostinte solide de mecanica si prelucrarea metalelor;
• Abilitati excelente de lucru manual si atentie la detalii;
• Capacitatea de a lucra atat independent, cat si in echipa;
• Certificat de calificare ca Lacatus Mecanic reprezinta un avantaj.
• Oportunitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu dinamic si stimulant;
• Posibilitati de dezvoltare profesionala si traininguri specializate;
• Pachet salarial atractiv si bonusuri in functie de performanta;
• Beneficii suplimentare precum asigurare medicala privata si tichete de masa, transport asigurat, prime de Paste/Craciun
Daca esti o persoana harnica, responsabila si dornica sa evolueze intr-un mediu de lucru competitiv, te invitam sa aplici pentru pozitia de Lacatus Mecanic la compania Euro Gas Systems.
• Trebuie sa cunoasca procedeele pentru obtinerea imbinarilor sudate;
• Sudarea pieselor metalice de aceeasi compozitie chimica sau compozitii chimice apropiate;
• Imbinarea elementelor componente ale constructiilor metalice;
• Pregateste si verifica aparatele de sudura;
• Potriveste piesele in vederea taierii sau sudarii;
• Curata si controleaza partile componente de eventualele defecte, impuritati;
• Regleaza tensiunea/intensitatea curentului electric;
• Consolideaza partile uzate prin acoperirea cu straturi de aliaje;
• Controleaza piesele finite utilizand dispozitive de masura specifice;
• Interpreteaza si utilizeaza documentatia tehnica;
• Se ingrijeste permanent de integritatea si buna functionare a uneltelor si dispozitivelor folosite in cadrul activitatii desfasurate.
• Certificat de instruire sau experienta anterioara de sudare / fabricatie – MIG/TIG;
• Cunoasterea dispozitivului de taiere cu plasma, a dispozitivelor de masurare si a uneltelor manuale utilizate in fabricare;
• Experienta/cunostinte lacatuserie;
• Studii medii;
• Bune cunostinte de desen tehnic;
• Disponibilitate la program prelungit;
• Sa stie sa citeasca pe desenul tehnic dimensiunile, tolerantele si distanta dintre plan.
• Oportunitatea de a lucra intr-un mediu dinamic si stimulant;
• Posibilitati de dezvoltare profesionala si traininguri de specialitate;
• Pachet salarial atractiv si bonusuri in functie de performanta;
• Beneficii suplimentare precum asigurare medicala privata si tichete de masa, transport asigurat, prime de Paste/Craciun.
Daca esti o persoana harnica, responsabila si dornica sa evolueze intr-un mediu de lucru competitiv, te invitam sa aplici pentru pozitia de Sudor la compania Euro Gas Systems.
Angajam Specialist Protectia Mediului!
Locatie: Parc Industrial (Chirileu)
Tip job: Full-time
Vrei sa contribui la protejarea mediului si sa lucrezi intr-o echipa dinamica? Alatura-te noua ca Specialist Protectia Mediului!
Ce cautam?
– Studii superioare si calificare in Managementul Deseurilor
– Cunostinte legislative privind protectia mediului si gestiunea deseurilor
– Abilitati de analiza, organizare si planificare eficienta
– Cunostinte MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
– Capacitate de a lucra independent si in echipa
– Obtinerea si actualizarea autorizatiilor de mediu
– Monitorizarea si raportarea gestiunii deseurilor catre ANPM si AFM
– Gestionarea colectarii deseurilor si colaborarea cu agentii economici autorizati
– Reprezentarea companiei in cazul controalelor GNM
– Intocmirea documentatiei necesare pentru transportul deseurilor
Ce oferim?
– Asigurare medicala privata
– Prima de Paste si Craciun
– Tichete de masa
– Transport asigurat Targu-Mures – Chirileu si retur
Aplica acum! Trimite CV-ul sau da-ne un mesaj in privat!